The Junior Hunt test is for dogs at least 6 months of age.
In Junior Hunt Tests dogs shall be tested on 4 single marks: 2 on the land and 2 on water.
Test distances shall not exceed 73.1 meters (80 yards).
A leash, line or slip cord may be used to steady the dog at the line.
No dog shall wear a collar while making a retrieve.
Dogs must deliver to hand, failure to do so will result in a fail.
Dogs that return to a previous fall will be failed.
In order to receive the CKC Title of "Junior Hunter" (JH), a dog must have a record of having acquired qualifying scores in the Junior Hunt Test in 3 CKC approved hunt tests.
* Please refer to the CKC Hunt Test Rules & Regulations for detailed information regarding this stake.
Junior Hunt Tests
Senior Hunt Tests
The Senior Hunt test is for dogs at least 6 months of age.
In Senior Hunter Hunt Tests dogs shall be tested in a minimum of 5 hunting situations, which include:
1 land blind.
1 water blind
The blinds may be run as a double blind 1 placed on land and 1 placed on water.
1 double land mark
1 double water mark.
An upland hunting test
The judges shall establish distances on the land and water but no retrieve should normally exceed 73.1 meters (80 yards) also no marks should be thrown inside 18.3 meters (20 yards) from the line. A Senior Hunt dog must retrieve to hand. Dogs shall be required to honor a working dog at least once. A diversion shot(s) shall be used. Diversion birds shall not be used.
Dogs that return to a previous fall will be failed.
In order to receive the CKC Title of "Senior Hunter" (SH), a dog must have a record of having acquired qualifying scores in the Senior Hunt Test in 5 CKC approved hunt tests. Or in the case of a dog that has been recorded by CKC as a Junior Hunter, that dog will be recorded as a Senior Hunter after having acquired qualifying scores in the Senior Hunt Test at 4 CKC approved hunt tests.
* Please refer to the CKC Hunt Test Rules & Regulations for detailed information regarding this stake.

Guns Up Jax 2006-2021
The MGDA was honoured to have NMH Goldenworks Cracker Jax MH WCX CDX as a member of their hall of fame.
Master Hunt Tests
The Master Hunt test is for dogs at least 6 months of age.
Dogs shall be tested in a minimum of 5 hunting situations as follows:
Multiple land marks
Multiple water marks.
An upland hunting test with flush.
A land blind (s)
A water blind (s).
There shall be at least 3 series. Diversion birds and/or diversion shots must be used at least once. The word multiple means more than one, although triple marks are encouraged. Natural hazards, obstacles, hunting equipment and implements should be utilized to a somewhat greater degree than in the Senior Hunt Test. A Master Hunt dog must honour a working dog at least once. The judges shall establish test distances but no retrieve should normally exceed 91.4 meters (100 yards) and under no circumstance shall exceed 114.3 meters (125 yards). A Master Hunter must be steady and must deliver to hand. Poison birds may be used;the judges will determine whether or not the poison bird will be retrieved after the blind retrieve.
In order to receive the CKC Title of "Master Hunter" (MH), a dog must have a record of having acquired qualifying scores in the Master Hunt Test at 6 CKC approved hunt tests. Or in the case of a dog that has been recorded by CKC as a Senior Hunter, that dog will be recorded as a Master Hunter after having acquired qualifying scores in the Master Hunt Test at 5 CKC approved hunt tests.
In order to receive the CKC Title of "Grand Master Hunter" (GMH), a dog must have earned a “Master Hunter” title and acquire qualifying scores in the Master Hunt Test at an additional 10 CKC approved Hunt Tests or National Master Hunt Tests.
* Please refer to the CKC Hunt Test Rules & Regulations for detailed information regarding this stake.